Jake Heggie: The Deepest Desire The Deepest Desire: Four Meditations on Love for mezzo-soprano, flute, and piano (2002)Leone Buyse, Susanne Mentzer, Susan Archibald You Might Also Like Martin Amlin: Three Inventions Gabriela Lena Frank: Sueños de Chambi Maurice Ravel: Introduction and Allegro Ian Clarke: Within...... Béla Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise
Jake Heggie: The Deepest Desire The Deepest Desire: Four Meditations on Love for mezzo-soprano, flute, and piano (2002)Leone Buyse, Susanne Mentzer, Susan Archibald You Might Also Like Martin Amlin: Three Inventions Gabriela Lena Frank: Sueños de Chambi Maurice Ravel: Introduction and Allegro Ian Clarke: Within...... Béla Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise